There's an old adage that says, "If you keep doing the same thing, you'll keep getting the same results.If you would like to make some small changes that can produce big results in your life, try any (or all) of the six strategies below.
1. Since the people around us are a "mirror" of who we are, surround yourself with people who are happy, well adjusted, and whose lives you admire. Make your decision not upon their physical possessions, but on what they have "on the inside" that is of value. Surrounding yourself with miserable, unhappy, complaining people only makes your life miserable as well.
2. Create more space in your life by eliminating at least one small thing each day that drains your energy. For example, sew on that missing button, throw out the old magazines you've been meaning to read, clean your closet, etc. Remember, before something better can come into your life, you have to create the space for it. Or putting it a little differently, if there's a old clunker in your garage that doesn't run, you've got no room for a shiny new car. Clean your closet, clean your garage--it makes no difference where you start.
3. As you create more space in your life, make sure you have clarity about what you want to "attract." A simple way to do this is to identify the two most important things you would like to add to your life if you had the time and space. For example, if you would like to have more recreational time with your family, write down the specific details of what you would do. Would you spend more time playing with your children? Would you be at home, at a park, or the beach? Would you make a picnic lunch or explore a new fun place for them to eat? Next, schedule a specific time to enjoy this activity as soon as possible. Once you've made room for this activity the first time, it's much easier to schedule in the future.
4.Make a point to do at least one special thing for yourself each day that contributes to your overall happiness and well being. Whether it's taking 30 minutes to meditate, read, take a long relaxing bath, etc., nourishing yourself is necessary before you can "nourish" others.
5. Take at least five minutes each day to write down or just mentally "say thanks" for what is really working in your life. As one coach put it so well, "How can I ask God for more if I don't appreciate what I already have?
6. Be willing to share with others. Take a penny and hold it tightly in your fist. Is there any room for "new money" in your tightly clenched fist? Now open your fist and drop the penny. There's plenty of room for more, isn't there? The point is, if want to have more in your life, be willing to give to others. If finances are a challenge, be willing to volunteer in your community, give an elderly person a much needed ride, etc. What we give to others, whether it's positive or negative, is always returned with interest.
Happy Holidays!
For information about the Sarasota real estate market, visit
1. Since the people around us are a "mirror" of who we are, surround yourself with people who are happy, well adjusted, and whose lives you admire. Make your decision not upon their physical possessions, but on what they have "on the inside" that is of value. Surrounding yourself with miserable, unhappy, complaining people only makes your life miserable as well.
2. Create more space in your life by eliminating at least one small thing each day that drains your energy. For example, sew on that missing button, throw out the old magazines you've been meaning to read, clean your closet, etc. Remember, before something better can come into your life, you have to create the space for it. Or putting it a little differently, if there's a old clunker in your garage that doesn't run, you've got no room for a shiny new car. Clean your closet, clean your garage--it makes no difference where you start.
3. As you create more space in your life, make sure you have clarity about what you want to "attract." A simple way to do this is to identify the two most important things you would like to add to your life if you had the time and space. For example, if you would like to have more recreational time with your family, write down the specific details of what you would do. Would you spend more time playing with your children? Would you be at home, at a park, or the beach? Would you make a picnic lunch or explore a new fun place for them to eat? Next, schedule a specific time to enjoy this activity as soon as possible. Once you've made room for this activity the first time, it's much easier to schedule in the future.
4.Make a point to do at least one special thing for yourself each day that contributes to your overall happiness and well being. Whether it's taking 30 minutes to meditate, read, take a long relaxing bath, etc., nourishing yourself is necessary before you can "nourish" others.
5. Take at least five minutes each day to write down or just mentally "say thanks" for what is really working in your life. As one coach put it so well, "How can I ask God for more if I don't appreciate what I already have?
6. Be willing to share with others. Take a penny and hold it tightly in your fist. Is there any room for "new money" in your tightly clenched fist? Now open your fist and drop the penny. There's plenty of room for more, isn't there? The point is, if want to have more in your life, be willing to give to others. If finances are a challenge, be willing to volunteer in your community, give an elderly person a much needed ride, etc. What we give to others, whether it's positive or negative, is always returned with interest.
Happy Holidays!
For information about the Sarasota real estate market, visit
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