Helpful information about Sarasota-Florida Real Estate Market
in reference to: Premium Properties Sarasota Blog Xena Vallone Realty (view on Google Sidewiki)
Over the last several years, short sales have received a substantial amount of attention. This type of transaction is done when the seller owes more on his or her mortgage than the value of the property. The lender essentially agrees to accept less than the balance owed as an alternative to foreclosure . On the surface, a short sale (SS) seems attractive for all parties involved. The buyer is able to purchase a property for a price that is below market value ; the seller is able to sell their home without losing it to foreclosure; the lender is able to recover a portion of the mortgage that would otherwise be lost. However, these deals are often more complex than they seem. Some require up to six months to close, and often fall through beforehand. In this article, we’ll explain the basics of buying real estate short sales, starting with the importance of working with an experienced real estate agent . We’ll describe the process and explore some of the factors you shou...
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